worship trick 2 series 3 – ignatian examen
at the london mind body spirit festival there was a new meditation space. each hour thropugh the day someone would lead meditation. unlike the workshops which cost a lot of…
at the london mind body spirit festival there was a new meditation space. each hour thropugh the day someone would lead meditation. unlike the workshops which cost a lot of…
so the second series of worship tricks comes to a close. the 200th worship trick is a series of dekhomai spiritual exercises. next week we are back in action running…
last week at the cms residential mark berry led a couple of worship/reflections. one was based around his recent pilgrimage inspired by saint brendan. it was fabulous... mark makes all…
following the popularity of mark berry's desert meditation, he has started a podcast of his meditations. no 2 is dreams. due to the complications of copyright and music mark has…
mark berry put together a desert meditation on CD for the worship event he helped at last weekend. he has now found someone to upload it online for him -…
it's the time of year called epiphany - a season of revelation. it was good to see mark berry today and catch up on what he is up to in…
What kind of kiss is the kiss of God? - reflection by maggi dawn