retail therapy
ReSource in kingston this weekend was wonderful (though very cold!) - i have written something about it and non judging on the pioneer blog and there are some photos here.…
ReSource in kingston this weekend was wonderful (though very cold!) - i have written something about it and non judging on the pioneer blog and there are some photos here.…
i am on the e-mail list for the sheffield centre research bulletin. it's always onto something interesting. but each time you have to download a pdf and then get round…
if you are interested in the cms pioneer training - whether modules or the whole thing - we have an open day coming up on february 23 and then another…
forgive me a little excitement but we have heard that cms have been given approval to train those selected for ordained pioneer ministry in the church of england in a…
continuing on books that explore what it means to be missional i really loved mark scandrette's latest practicing the way of jesus: life together in the kingdom of love. mark…
i want to stick with reviewing a few books around mission. and for starters a few more that deal with this word missional as a descriptor for the way the…
eight or nine years on (or whatever it is) ReSource weekends are still one of the simplest and best ways to learn about mission in today's culture. food, conversation, experience…
the first ever cms pioneer missional entrepreneurship week went really well! i have put together a photo story of the week to give you a flavour - click on the…
so just about to head off to devon for a week as part of the cms pioneer training on missional entrepreneurship. it's the first ever week on this that we…