also via prodigal kiwi is a link to a web site collating some of brian walsh's online writings. brian is currently part of the chaplaincy at the university of toronto.…
prodigal kiwi highlights a web site with lots of tom wright's online stuff pulled together.
alan jamieson's notes and presentations have been uploaded by jason who shares a few snippets following the emergent day with alan in london
richard sudworth wrote a report for cms on the emerging church in wales. he and cms have made this available. it's called the outside in church and is really well…
emergingchurch.info has just had its monthly update. my thoughts on the angli-CAN church are there along with a bunch of other articles. b.t.w. i also discovered you can downlaod a…
jen and i have been chatting following this discussion. jen had some great points that she kindly agreed to write up: As an observer, it seems to me that emerging…
following on from my post about the shaping of things to come i just had a look at the latest articles on emergingchurch.info (it gets a monthly update). and andrew…
i'm still discovering more blogs... (i think i'll have to hone down the ones i link to shortly!) but i was delighted to discover that
a new reflection on network church. another moment of insight from the irrepressible small ritual. steve when are you going to produce a book?
i have a letter published in the guardian today (scroll down) in response to the article spiritual tourism that i blogged about on monday... it's heftily edited which is the…