being human is a mission

CMS have a magazine 'Yes' that is sent to interested and supporting churches and individuals. it's just had a revamp and is looking much better - i have actually given…

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the skinny on emergAnt

tallskinnykiwi is holding forth for week pulling together his thoughts/wisdom on emerging church. should be good.... part 1

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worship leader feature

seems like there is a feature in the march/april worship leader magazine in the US on emerging church. i noticed because there must be a list of blogs and i…

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big ideas 2005

i noticed that adbusters have put all the articles from their wonderful big ideas 2005 issue online. articles such as hail the multitudes and bill of rights for future generations.…


column 2: tea for the soul

column 2 i wrote for the christian herald:In downtown Seattle there is a tea store called Living Room – apparently tea is the new coffee! It’s open every day, serving…

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