love that makes no sense


grace last night was based around a poem by karlie allaway – for fools and dreamers. it was also valentine’s day so love had to be the theme… we had fun writing in love hearts words associated with love whether in our experience, our culture.

i had hoped to set up a slideshow scrolling round the images that people could post to instagram with a hashtag #gracelovefeb15 but forgot there was no wifi in the church. but i can share with you a couple of ways i found to do that – go to liveflow and type in that hashtag. the other designed for events – – you can use a trial version. it’s designed for use at weddings. what is rather neat is that they then send you a link to an album after the event and that’s on the free version – so the album is here – album

you can also see a photo album in the grace facebook group. or my instagram

it was a lot of fun – i am adding it as a worship trick – 56 in series 4.

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