this is a photograph I have in the ealing lip group exhibition home which is part of BEAT 2019. it's a group show on the theme of home. this is the key to the front door of a home in jaffa for a palestinian family who had to flee their home in 1947 and have been unable to return. many palestinians who had to flee carried the key expecting to return of course. but now for them and for those whose homes have been destroyed the key has become perhaps both a memory of home and as a symbol of their longing for home. i imagine this is also the case for many who flee home from whatever country. i also took portraits of the friend whose grandparents house it is. but somehow the minimlaist nature of the key photograph was the one i chose. do visit the exhibition which is open every day until 15 sept.
on sat 14 sept i am giving a talk about the photograph and the theme of home at 4pm. i have been thinking about this and am likely if i have the courage to perform a couple of songs from the album backbone which i recorded after visiting palestine in 1998 – they will be acoustic rather than breakbeat versions.
this month grace have been made homeless because work is being done at st mary's so grace will be coming to that talk, a visit to the exhibition and a meal afterwards nearby. message me if you are interested in coming to the meal and i can send you info.