grace building

grace buildingfollowing my picture of grace on the back of a lorry on the M1 lyndon harris sent me this picture of a grace building in new york! lyndon was priest in charge of saint paul’s chapel just across the street from the world trade center site after 9/11. before 9/11 he was brought on board to do a postmodern church plant at st paul’s. but now, as they say, the rest is history… he spoke at greenbelt 2002 about the church’s journey. he is now at the cathedral of st john the divine doing urban ministries and alternative worship. was delighted to hear from lyndon that they have done ‘the ambient techno eucharist’ that we produced… thanks lyndon!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Peter Haslehurst

    More grace is on its way in the shape of Emmylou Harris’s new album “Stumble into Grace”.

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