a reflection/piece of liturgy i wrote for grace last night. i have been struck looking at the stories of the resurrection appearances how grief and hope are often close together, and how often god’s absence and presence are experienced in the same stories. perhaps this has something to say to us in our own experience at the moment – many of us have felt god is far away and many of us have been reassured by god’s presence.
The women arrive at the empty tomb
God is nowhere
Suddenly Jesus meets them
God is now hereMary weeping with loss in the garden
God is nowhere
The gardener speaks her name
God is now hereThe disciples afraid in a locked room
God is nowhere
Then Jesus appears
God is now hereThomas refusing to believe
God is nowhere
He touches Jesus wounds
God is now hereThe disciples fish all night without a catch
God is nowhere
“Throw your net over the right side”
God is now herePeter shattered when the cock crows
God is nowhere
A healing conversation on the beach
God is now hereTwo disciples downcast on the Emmaus Rd
God is nowhere
They recognised him in the breaking of bread
God is now hereGODISNOWHERE
Wow! Love it!