stations of the resurrection

resurrection stations at grace last night we had our stations of the resurrection service. this was the first time we have done this and it worked well.

planning was the least ever i think!!! it simply involved people agreeing what station they were going to do. so we had no idea what other people were doing for their stations. we topped and tailed the service with a station/resurrection account all together. the last one led by mark was fab – we arranged that we could take people up the church tower which involves walking up a steep dark and winding staircase. then when out on the top of the tower the appearance to the disciples on the mountain and the great commission was read out. it felt very poignant with the fantastic view over london from up there.

you may have tried this before but one effective thing we did (by chance really – i had a slide with the words you are the resurrection and was trying to find a good spot to project them on to and realised how good they looked on the stone floor…

we had visitors from the catholic church in denmark who are part of the future there who were on a visit to london for some imagination sparking. as well as others from shoreham, manchester, london school of theology…

off to headspace tonight to lead the worship part of their get together tonight. looking at the worship of israel in the OT – so another visit to the psalms…

then it’s pack the bags and fly to san fransisco to hang with bob carlton and then on to nashville for the emergent convention where i’m looking forward to meeting lots of people and doing a couple of seminars on alternative worship.