bubble wrap popping

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bubblewrap popping – simply brilliant! (via andyandshona)

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Pete Phillips

    This reminds me of an early alt worship expereince I had in the early days of R:Age at Spring Harvest. My good friends Matt and Yaz were setting up a kind of gazebo worship/prayer zone – one of their specialities – and they put bubble wrap all over the floor as an experimental texture. It was great until you wanted to go in and meditate – as soon as you entered the peaceful space, pop, pop, pop! At least when you got in there and sat down no one came to disturb you! You couldn’t be surprised by the overkeen prayer team come to ambush you with a swift laying on of hands…! My life is much happier with the memory!

  2. Phil G

    this could be a great prayer epxerience…say a prayer and then ‘pop’…you got a whole sheet to pray with! Cool!

  3. Philip Schonken

    I liked the idea. Sounded very realistic, but I didn’t get that popping feeling. At least there are no duds, ‘cos those frustrate me!

  4. OpalCat

    I hate to sound whiny, but I am gonna whine.
    The link in your blog goes to a (now removed) stolen version of my bubblewrap. Is there any chance of getting you to change the link to point to http://www.virtual-bubblewrap.com? That is where he stole it from (our current version is much better, and it actually links back to us in case it gets stolen again!) and the more people who link to that guy’s site with the words “bubblewrap” the more weight the search engines give to his site…
    It sounds petty, I know! But believe it or not, I rely on my search engine ranking for that particular site for most of my income. And yes, I’m aware how sad that sounds.
    Thanks (and I’ll take the “simply brilliant” as a compliment–thanks!)
    ~Lady OpalCat

  5. jonny

    sure will do…. respect to the creatives and artists always….

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