last night was our grace bbq. we had the usual mix of visitors (including shane from perth) and locals. we invited our area bishop pete to come and be grilled! we are very fortunate to have such a chilled bishop and one who is so supportive of fresh expressions of church (that’s the anglican jargon now which i quite like). we interviewed him about the angican report mission shaped church and what that might actually mean in practice. it was amusing to find out that pete’s description for grace when he mentions it elsewhere is ‘ambient church’! pete sees his role as an apostolic one helping encourage and start new things and blessing and encouraging them… we then invited him to grill us – time was short but he asked us whether we see ourselves as a missional community. this of course raised the question of what he meant by mission and a good discussion followed. i suggested we take some time to chew over the question and maybe get back to pete on it in next year. but it was a good provocation. it was wonderful to discover that pete has a taste for belgian beer and is seen in the photo drinking ‘duvel’…
grace grill the bishop
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so jonny did you ask pete whether he was constructing a false dualism between missional and attactional – as per your appreciative comment on
no because i only read it this morning. also i don’t think that was an issue for him anyway…. good thoughts though cheers
good memories of a grace bbq in the rain once upon a time in july!
thanks for the memories!
and for teaching me that the people are the worship leaders…not just the guy/gal with the guitar!
cheers for a great summer! lil