incomplete manifesto for growth

thanks to maggi for the link to bruce mau’s incomplete manifesto for growth. wonderful stuff…. i think i’ll print it out and put it above my desk for a few weeks!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sivin Kit

    I’ve printed out already and I guess it will be “reflection” material for my long flight to UK tomorrow 🙂 It REALLY got me thinking … which is so important for growing huh?

  2. mark

    really good stuff here johnny..i especially like number six…

  3. cheryl

    i’ve just snuck a copy into my boss’s in tray…
    (my natural tendency is to work like this, but i always feel i’m doing something wrong, and i should resist it).
    the next conference i run is going to be a number 39… fantastic.

  4. jonny

    let’s hope your boss doesn’t read this blog!….

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