well i’m not as obsessed as si who spent 15 hours one frozen night to be there and get a (pretty impressive) bad of goodies at the opening of the apple store in london. but i was sort of passing en route to another meeting so visited the apple store. it is very impressive… and this post will no doubt add more fuel to richard’s theory
not as obsessed as si
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I’m waiting for someone to find out that Apple are exploiting workers in sweatshops in Thailand (this is not true, merely a fictional scenario). I suspect that the whole emerging church/alt worship movement would implode instantly. “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes…and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate….Then the eyese of noth of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked”
…..just in case anyone misunderstands, I am being satirical.
every time i buy anything from apple you are my conscience and spring to my mind! glad to see that the blues are holding off the reds – should line up a good game in dec?!
obsessed…me? That queue was all about proximity evangelism with the added bonus of some technology. Someone has already posted about our midnight conversations at macrumours (allegedly!).