on the subject of inclusive church, willzhead has spotted an ad for the united church of christ. it’s on the united church web site front page (you may have to try a few times as it’s proving busy!). the ad begins with two black-shirted bouncers standing guard,
determining who gets in the church doors. it then fades to text which
reads "jesus didn’t turn people away. neither do we." it concludes with the voice-over saying, "the United Church of Christ. no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here." the astonishing thing about the ad is that CBS, NBC and UPN have refused to air the commercial as the all inclusive message is too controversial!
inclusive church ad proves too controversial for tv
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I think the UCC puts a bad taste in many christians mouth in the US (hence why their numbers are dwindling and the emerging church hasnt taken a foothold in the denomination) because they do not simply accept homosexuals into their church (which is a great thing) but… many UCC churches marry them and approve of the lifestyle as one that God has no issue with.(Which depending on your opinion is a bad/good thing)
– But I wonder how much that fact has played into this decision, which would mean the mainline evangelicals played a role
– or whether its just the media’s ever-growing distaste for the church in this country.(which in many ways is justified)
-acceptance and approval are the same in much of the UCC.
Just adding my insight – love you blog and have found the worship tricks to be of great service to the “Alternative worship service” I lead. http://sanctuaryworship.com
I am interested in knowing what people mean when they differentiate between acceptance and approval, and imply that one can accept without approving, or approve without accepting, or something. It’s my first time encountering this notion, so perhaps I’m not understanding it properly, but it seems like just one more way to protect our investment in passing judgment upon one another.
There’s a very thought-provoking article in the latest issue of Third Way dealing with this whole question of acceptance and approval, in relation to the story of a lesbian couple’s experience of joining an evangelical Anglican church (one of the authors is part of the couple).
It doesnt mean judgement is passed if someone says – “Homosexuals are welcome like everyone else..and we will love them like everyone elso…and help them to grow closer to Christ…and disapprove of their lifestyle…”
There was an article in Christianity Today (and everywhere else it seems lately) about a Gay man who said the church used to go to “validated before God” his gay lifestyle – this was so harmful to him and his walk with God because he knew that although his being gay was real it was not of God. – Thats what he said in the article…
Just trying to paint the picture that there is a difference and not a more judgemental/less judgemental one.