i noticed that adbusters have put all the articles from their wonderful big ideas 2005 issue online. articles such as hail the multitudes and bill of rights for future generations.
i also like the concept of antipreneur – can activists harness the entrepreneurial spirit?
and wholeheratedly agree that artists and spiritual searchers can find common ground… the article concludes
Art, it seems, allows us to ponder the sacred in non-dogmatic terms –
i.e., divinity for the reality-based community. Of course now is not
the heyday for that bunch. But perhaps there’s hope in what theologian
Finley Eversole called a “spiritual underground.” For him the term
referred to a complex notion that artists who confront the emptiness of
a godless world – writing in 1963, he was thinking of Rothko, Pollock,
and de Kooning – connect us to the holy by presenting its inverse: “If
our artists have been incapable of religious faith, they have at least
shown us that modern man is incapable of unfaith [emphasis his].” But I
suggest that artists make up a spiritual underground in a different
sense. While many mainstream religions are being hijacked by rigid
fundamentalists, contemporary artists make up a loose-knit band of the
covertly spiritual. If artists of the “secular mystery” can create work
that resists co-optation by religious and political ideologues, perhaps
we can call on them in more enlightened times to reacquaint us with the
joys of asking questions we don’t yet have the answers for.
thanks for the heads up on the adbusters stuff. In the Times Mag today Trendsurfing by David Rowan sighted ethical fashion as the next big thing, and it made me wonder does this mean adbusters will become a brand with its links to the white spot trainers.
Make peace with your biology
From the technology section of Adbusters The Big Ideas 2005 comes the article Adbusters : Make peace with your biology. Lots of interesting quotes like, What do you lose when your life becomes more valuable than any other life in…
Thanks as well. The artists and spirituality quote brought to mind Robert Wuthnow’s book, “Creative Spirituality.”
Blogs to make you think
There are a whole host of blogs that I read on a weekly basis – many of them are linked to at the bottom of the right hand column on…
that quote is reason good enough to keep doing what i’m doing if i was ever looking for one!
ps. thanks for posting the link to my site… i’ve had more feedback already since your post than since i first posted! and some from old friends i’d lost touch with! cheers.
josh keep on keeping on…