CMS have a magazine ‘Yes‘ that is sent to interested and supporting churches and individuals. it’s just had a revamp and is looking much better – i have actually given some copies to people which i confess i rarely did before. it comes out quarterly. if you are interested contact CMS. some of the articles are online to download as PDFs including the lead one heirs of abraham by richard
i have been invited to write a column for Yes. the working title was ‘in our times’ reflecting on cultural issues and mission asking the question from acts 17 ‘where are the altars to the unknown god?’
the first one is called being human is a mission and is on blahonline as a feature. there is also some discussion about theology and film kicking off on the boards there. i haven’t blogged about blahonline for a while as it has been beset with teething problems but these are pretty much ironed out so we are ready to put some energy back into it again. it’s a site set up to develop an online community to fuel peoples ongoing mission offering reflections, discussions, photo albums etc… if you are not a member sign up.
dave has added a photo album with some pics from our trip in winnipeg which i am sure he will be adding to…
good and interesting discussion starter on blog. makes me realise how poor I’ve been at both reviews and theology/film discussions on my blog…