newsreader for windows

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a friend was asking about a good free newsreader for windows… being a mac user i have no idea. any suggestions?

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Anish

    You could try –
    Of course you know that Thunderbird for Windows has its inbuilt newsreader.

  2. Pete Phillips

    I just use rssreader…works fine…and its free of course

  3. phil

    When you say news reader – do you mean rss or newsgroups?
    If rss then i would recomment feeddemon from Bradbury software. Outstanding piece of software.

  4. Aj

    I don’t know if it’s a newsreader, but I’ve been hearing some great things about Pluck for picking up feeds.

  5. chris

    Yeah, which RSS reader do you use on Mac?

  6. Stephen

    If your friend is running Firefox then the Sage plug-in would do the trick. I use it on both Windows XP and Mac OS X. ( )

  7. jonny

    thanks everyone. dave if you are reading hope this helps?…
    I use netnewswire lite but i must confess it seems to miss a lot of stuff so i am actually not that impressed

  8. dave

    Thanks – I’m spoilt for choice

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