
C3 – latest story on emerginghcurch.info

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  1. Existential Punk

    Jonny, thanks so much for posting this from Tony Hardy. It was great to read and were similsr to some ideas i have been mulling around for sometime in my head. I love what he said about evangelizing when asked, “Do you evangelise people?
    Good question – I hope not! I wouldn’t want people to feel they were being targetted and that we were tricking them into a weekly epilogue. I think we have the faith that if we genuinely want to spend time with people – we will build trust and relationship. We pray and wait! We do evangelism, but were don’t evangelise people.”
    That is exactly how i feel about it. People get so worked up that we are not being intentional in evangelism. But, it is being intentional when we seek people out without a specific agenda, build authentic relationships, pray and ask for leading from the Holy Spirit. This to me, is very intentional. He has crystallized for me what i had trouble putting into words. Please send my thanks on to him.
    And I love this, “C3 aims to be all-age church.” That is revolutionary!

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