looking forward to greenbelt festival this coming weekend. along with gayle and a team of volunteers i help plan the worship at the festival. it’s set to be a fantastic year i think. details are on the greenbelt worship pages. grace will be setting up a shed obscura (yes exactly what it sounds like) as an installation on site and running communion by numbers which is what i have chosen to write about in column 4 for the church times . this is actually the second half of the zoo gathering – the zoo is simply a chance to meet other people/groups involved in emerging church or alternative worship. so if you are at gb and part of a group then make sure you come to that…
i will also be taking part in a couple of workshop/seminar/panels…
- mission and emerging spiritualities
- throwing a hand grenade in the fruit bowl – what happens if you slay the sacred cow of preaching?
- spirited exchanges – 2 sessions for people who have given up on church or are on the way out but still want to explore faith/spirituality with others
look forward to seeing some of you there.
good to have you back, yes looking forward to gb myself, hope to see you there. GB Tim
Hoping to catch you at the mission and emerging spiritualities workshop and maybe one or 2 other things…would be great to have some discussion about using this in a South African context 🙂