
because we have our main grace once a month, although pentecost sunday was last weekend we are celebrating the coming of the spirit next saturday, june 9. i enjoyed pentecost sunday more than ever this year because i was praying for people on the dekhomai stand to be filled with the spirit or to be healed which seemed an entirely appropriate way to pass the day. anyway here’s the info on the next grace

spirit07 flyer

come and breathe in the spirit of god

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. jon birch

    nice flyer… imagine that toungue of fire landing on your head!

  2. cheryl

    that’s a wonderful image for pentecost

  3. jonny

    it’s a photo i took at a bill viola exhbition from a piece of his called fire woman – see http://jonnybaker.blogs.com/jonnybaker/2006/07/fire_woman.html . i actually got thrown out of the exhibition for taking photos – though there was no sign saying you couldn’t! this video piece was HUGE – unbelievable floor to ceiling – i was mesmerised by it. it’s actually not about the spirit at all – it’s a reflection on death. the woman gazes into the flames before falling forwards into a pool and being submerged.

  4. julie

    tell us the story of other places you may have also been thrown out of jonny ???

  5. jonny

    that’s the only one for snapping photos. others have just asked me to put the camera away…

  6. David Derbyshire

    I am interested in your experiences of praying for people to receive the Spirit outside of a Christian context. Some would say that faith would need to come first. However I was filled the Spirit first – albeit in a Pentecostal prayer meeting – even when I wasn’t sure I believed all this Christian stuff.

  7. cheryl

    it’s the perfect metaphor for baptism/pentecost – dying to ourselves, etc.
    the imagery within both baptism and pentecost is quite terrifying… i wonder how much alt worship runs the risk of diminishing the metaphors by trying to concretise them. i love how confronting this image is.

  8. jonny

    someone told me that you could hire bill viola works on dvd for a day. i must investigate… that would be fun!

  9. John

    What a horrible image. My advice would be to flee from such a dreadful communication.
    Perhaps a more appropriate question/communication would be: “The Heart Has A Qustion: The Heart Must Be Satisfied” as in this essay.
    1. http://www.dabase.org/tfrbkyml.htm
    Please check out these three related references on breathing in the Spirit of God, or the communication of Real God as unbounded feeling and radiant happiness.
    1. http://www.beezone.com/AdiDa/touch.htm
    2. http://www.beezone.com/happytxt.htm
    3. http://www.dabase.org/2armP1.htm#ch1b
    Plus this reference gives an Illuminated understanding of the significance and meaning of death,and how/why the REAL understanding of death is the necessary key to Right Life.
    Why? Because until one has transcended one’s fear of death, everything one does is darkened by a hell deep fear and trembling.
    1. http://www.easydeathbook.com

  10. becky

    Thanks for sharing – that picture was worth getting the boot. Given how much photography you do, I’ll bet you could get some kind of press access (unless getting caught is part of the fun).

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