
cms is moving its centre from london to oxford. today was a leaving service and lunch. with the move is lots of change. lots of people are leaving and lots of new people joining. some of this is due to relocation and some to restructuring. today we said goodbye to lots of people who have worked for cms for 10 years or more. it’s a weird time – a mix of sadness, pain and letting go, and then moving on and newness.

i’ll still be working with cms but am staying in london – fortunately we live the right side to travel to oxford easily enough a couple of days a week.

the woman rosemary (top right) has worked for cms for 48 years – wow! but goodbye linda, rosemary, gill, ian, chuli, elizabeth and all the others i didn’t capture or who weren’t there today. there are some wonderful people leaving…

may the grace you have been given be enough

the first day at oxford is june 19