the next big thing

we had alternative worship
we had emerging church
we had missional church
is this the next thing? 😉

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. hadge

    Hee hee – but without wanting to be too rude jonny, churches of that particular genre have been with us for a loooong time! Thanks for the Slideflickr link by the way!

  2. becky

    We already have that here in the States – it’s called the US Episcopal church. I’ll spare you the jokes as this is a public forum.

  3. David

    Yes like it!

  4. Doug Gay

    Be very careful! You Anglican casuals with your digital cameras…

  5. jonny

    yes indeed doug – it was the twatt not the church of scotland bit of course!!!

  6. Blair Cameron

    Reminds me of the hotel sign at the start of each Fawlty Towers episode.

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