subverting empire

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  • Post category:blah / faith

good blah… day yesterday with brian walsh and sylvia keesmat on colossians remixed: subverting the empire. i noticed reflections from james and ian

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. jody

    yes, it was a good day – would have loved to have more time for questions tho’, my head was exploding with them by the end (that’s a good thing 🙂

  2. Andrew Martin

    Yea, it was good. Thanks for setting it up. Lots of food for thought there.

  3. James Henley

    I had a great time – thanks Brian and Sylvia, and Jonny for pulling the day together. I think it was useful for the other guys from Bristol CYM – they definitely encountered a new way of thinking anyway, which is healthy. I really engaged with everything that was said – will definitely keep me thinking for a while.

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