a shadow of my former self

a shadow of my former self, originally uploaded by jonnybaker.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Existential Punk

    COOL PHOTO! It looks like you have two huge boobs coming out of your eyes! 🙂

  2. jonny

    it’s not me actually – it’s andrew jones! i just liked that title…

  3. David Derbyshire

    That must be really distorted then. I was sure it was someone who is short and fat!

  4. Carole

    What a weird photo…reminds me of David Lynch’s Eraserhead…sort of surreal, nightmarish…

  5. Existential Punk

    It also reminds me of DJ Krush’s JAKU album cover!
    Andrew is so very creative! Any idea how he created this photo? In camera or post-production?

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