journey into seeing – lent blog post for radio 4

sense making faith is a journey through lent observing the senses. each week takes a different sense. sunday worship on radio 4 is on the theme, then there are a bundle of resources you can download each week. and there is a blog with someone reflecting on the theme each week. i was invited to be part of it and have blogged on this week's theme:

journey into seeing

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Pat

    Jonny, thanks for flagging up these resources – this looks like an interesting way of approaching Lent.
    I wasn’t sure whether to put this comment here or on the SMF blog but I think your observation that ‘looking’is a discipline which we need to practice and develop is absolutely right. Stephen Pattison has written extensively about this recovery of what he calls ‘haptic vision’ in his book ‘Seeing Things: Deepening Relations with Visual Artifacts’ (based on his 2007 Gifford Lectures) – fascinating and challenging stuff.

  2. David Derbyshire

    Hi Jonny! I am fascinated by all this Lent material but I do have a couple of questions. What you would say to those that cock a snoot at the traditional church year and call Lent a load of legalistic twaddle? Are there any resources that you could point to, that make a good case for us observing lent? Any thoughts on this topic would be very much appreciated.

  3. jonny

    i think the church year provides a great rhythm. no big deal if others don’t like it. i don’t understand why lent would be legalistic though? the word means spring – it’s a season. as far as i am aware it is traditionally a time to focus on discipleship, your relationship with christ in preparation for easter. i like it when that focus becomes communal. and there are some classic texts that help that reflection – prodigal son, beattitudes, jesus in wilderness and so on – all good stuff. for those who feel it is too downbeat the taize book of common prayer describes the season as 40 days celebration of the joy of god’s forgiveness!

  4. Media Group

    Thank you for the great post.
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