the worship at greenbelt this year was really wonderful. i can't think of anywhere else you could experience such creativity and diversity in worship. well done to ben, pete, michael and anyone else who put the programme together…
grace took part in a day long worship with feig, safespace, and dream. i wasn't involved at all as i was busy with other things. it went amazingly well. there were lots of interactive stations that built up through the day interspersed with some liturgies written by mark berry. people dropped in and out as they wished – around 1000 visits were made. mark has added the long worship liturgies to his blog. there's a rumour that the various standing in the long now (greenbelt's theme) liturgies may get knocked into a pocket liturgy book sometime in the next few months – watch this space . mark's liturgies also include instructions for the fridge magnet liturgies. this was a very simple idea but worked brilliantly. 840 words that had been gathered from discussions within safespace were printed on postcards and then people selected words to create liturgies on the wall which were read out at various points. there are some photos in the monday set of greenbelt photos
anyway these liturgies and fridge magnet liturgies worship trick 69, in series 3
How funny we did something really similar for our spontaneous worship on monday – asking people to put together messages/blessings/poems from fridge poetry style words as they were the crossing the racecourse, everyone who took part was given a mini card with the website link where the photo stream will be displayed
like the fridge magnet idea… may well use that one sometime soon.
Going to be doing a repeat of the beach labyrinth as part of our annual beach baptism/reaffirmation service at Putsborough on 13th Sept, which last year was followed by a mammoth game of beach footie. if you’re down this way, drop by.