a friend chris has started a new home spun publishing company uppttäcka press. the upcoming books look lovely. i have ordered the first. amazing what you can do these days with self publishing especially if you design your own covers rather than use the rather naff off the shelf variety. proost have now self published 15 books via lulu which i can’t quite believe. got something to say? it’s surely never been easier to publish and get your voice out there…
Thanks Johnny! Yes Lulu.com is a Godsend, they’ve been very good to us. Since this post, we launched ‘The Wilderness and the Desert of the Real’ in Apple iBooks, Amazon Kindle and we’re about to record the audiobook version. Last week we published the second book in this series ‘The Cultural Way of Being’, which is now available in-print and on Amazon Kindle. We’re awaiting the approval from Apple iBooks.
Good news! The Cultural Way of Being — the sequel to The Wilderness and the Desert of the Real is now available on Kindle, iBooks and hard copy.
Thanks for your support Johnny!