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write in the dust liturgy

it’s the season of lent. lent means spring. in the church it is a season where there is a focus on discipleship. i always like to do something, read something, to recalibrate a bit. in grace we always have a few more things sometimes reading a book, having some meals together. and of course this all leads towards easter when we celebrate the ressurection.

last night i led an ash wednesday prayer/reflection at st mary’s in ealing. i used some prayers from black liturgies throughout. if you are interested download the service here (it’s a sheet so print double-sided for it to make sense of the order).

one of the lectionary readings for ash wednesday was john 8:1-12 where the religious leaders bring a woman caught in adultery to jesus. he manages to slip the trap being set for him, diffuse the conflict, and proclaim the woman not guilty and she walks tall and free – which is quite am amazing turnaround. i could say a lot more about that but maybe that is for another time (or book). we did some wondering together about that story. i invited people to say something beginning with ‘i wonder….’ (which is something that is done in godly play). here’s a liturgy i wrote in response to the passage, which is a curious habit i have…

Help me to see like you
You are the God who sees

To notice those at the edge
Where your Spirit is at work

To look with love and compassion
Beyond society’s judgements

When powerful men make accusations
Remind me to buy time and write in the dust

Help me to draw them out
And unmask their ruses

When presented with a false binary
Give me guile to slip the trap and see a third way

When I don’t have the answers
May your Spirit give me the words

When I am tempted to look down on anyone
Remind me we are all sinners

May I never use the gospel as a threat
But offer it as gift

Blessed are the peacemakers
Who diffuse confrontation

Let no stones be thrown
Go carefully, look after yourself

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Su

    This helps a ton, the way you’ve outlined Jesus’s exposure of the power-hungry and his interest in us settled my heart in prayer. Thank you

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