trickster photos and interventions

trickster remakes this world

the trickster exhibtion was a lot of fun! here are a set of photos – click on the photo above to scroll through. i'll try and come back and fill this out a bit more by way of explanation on the trickster exhibtion page. but a quick summary is that the exhibtion consisted of

  • a series of photos which were responses to ruses of trickster randomly drawn
  • some installations to view or interact with
  • some interventions which you may or may not have noticed if you came to the exhibition as they were out and about 

the photos include the set up, the coyote sticker trail, installations, opening night, and interventions. the thing i took least photos of was the phots in the exhibition but you can see them and the ruses on the exhibition page

go away

this was my photo in the exhibition. the ruse i was randomly given was lifts the old shame thresholds and places them in new doorways and this was my commentary on my thought process:

The more I thought about this ruse the more I realised how many thresholds there are that many people can cross no problem. But for others they are shame inducing. That can be as simple as a bank, a shop, a church, a neighbourhood. Our culture is very shaming and has all sorts of ways of keeping people in their place but keeps it subtle and hidden. So I wanted to see what it looked like to make that visible. I initially envisaged photographing the ‘go away’ doormat in multiple doorways. The Home Office, or Dover passport control sprang to mind. But in the end I settled on a household doorway for a couple of reasons. It’s somehow more evocative to be no doorway in particular. And that also served to hold a mirror up to me to wonder how and where I unwittingly create shame thresholds.

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