if you are in or around london do come to the london pioneer gathering on nov 24 in the evening – navigating the powers that be. it will be a chance to meet others, have conversation, catch up, share a drink. i have been invited to give some input to spark some conversation on the theme of navigating the powers that be. that might seem slightly leftfield but in research i did for the book pioneer practice the top answer given to the question of what is most likely to derail pioneering was 'the powers that be'. my experience with pioneers has also made me realise that is a big area and there is not a lot of help out there navigating it. i don't have all the answers but have learned a few bits of practical wisdom – be great to hear from others too. it's free – book a place here so we know numbers.
the last london pioneer gathering was really good so do make the effort if you are in or around london