i am not quite sure why i got into this but in lockdown i have been exploring fermenting. i have been making sourdough for around five years so in that sense it's not new but vegetables is a whole new thing. why? i don't know! because you can. actually i think my taste palette was inspired by my visit to korea and japan a few years back where you have some fermented pickles with most meals as a side. as well as sourdough and vegetables i have also made ginger beer and got a ginger bug fizzing away. next stop is probably yoghurt and cheese i guess! i am sure you are all thinking why not beer and wine – that requires a whole lot more knowledge and equipment i think – maybe one day…
one of the things that i love is the colours so i took some photos yesterday and have started a fermenting album here. btw fermented food is great for the gut – big health benefits.