a lot of people identify with the description of spiritual but not religious. it's an intriguing descriptor for sure. we have lots of pioneers who engage with people in that space. i like to think i am in it but i probably have a bit too much religion to get away with it! anyway all that is to say the latest issue of anvil journal is out and is exploring that theme and mission with people in that space. it's creative and provocative. and do read the story at the end of emma moreton's article on drumming at the summer solstice at stonehenge which i loved! i do have a book review in there but i think i'll post it on the blog as a separate entry…
The latest British Social Attitudes survey is really interesting on this – have you had a chance to look at it? It suggests the majority of the ‘nons’ no longer claim any kind of interest in spirituality. I’m a little cynical at the model of questioning they employ, though.
The report on religion can be found here: http://www.bsa.natcen.ac.uk/media/39293/1_bsa36_religion.pdf
Useful for shaping discussion in the RE classroom!