we have an open day next week on tuesday for the cms pioneer training – it’s not too late to book in and come and have a look at what we are doing. we offer a series of modules and university awards (through durham university) – certificate, diploma, MA. they are all focused through the lens of mission. this last year we have had around 50 new people sign up and do at least a module with us and about 20 who have signed up for something substantial (a university award). it’s designed for on the job training – our teaching days are tuesdays.
do you have to be a pioneer? and indeed what is a pioneer? we are focused around people who want to do something mission focused, usually seeing something beyond the edge of business as usual in the church. but having said that it is a metaphor that is ambiguous and can be opened up in many ways. so if you are into mission but not sure about being ‘a pioneer’ that’s fine – come along!