i feel like i still live by a school year! the beginning of september is the new year… don't know if you are the same? i hope you have had a good summer anyway. so a few posts about the year ahead and especially in relation to some training and things you could connect with.
first up we will be starting a new year of pioneer mission leadership training in a few weeks. this will be the fifth year. it's a challenging one because we are switching accrediting universities to durham and will have a new dilpoma and ma and still have students in the current university. these build on what we have done before but the ma is completely redesigned and i think it's an exciting mix of mission, theology, leadership, reading culture and so on. but it's a bit late to sign up now! however a lot of people audit modules and you may want to have a look around and join in something. i think we are set for our biggest intake so far which is exciting. this is of course a biased view but if you are into pioneering in mission do look at training with cms – what is unique about us is that we are solely focused around pioneering and that cms as a mission comnmunity is such a great place to locate it!