what kind of world, what kind of society do we want to live in in the uk? as you probably know if you read the blog regularly i have made more comment in the last year on the political than for a long time. it's because we seem to have a government that is increasingly trying to re-organise the world we live in horrible unjust ways whilst trotting out rhetoric of the so called big society. we need another imagining, dreaming, constructing of what a possible world looks like. i want to be part of a society that cares for the least well off, those with virtually nothing, not one that priotects the wealthy and hits the poor the hardest.
the latest piece that struck me in the guardian that had some brilliant imagining was from george monbiot in a piece property theft and how we must breach this scared line. he proposed a couple of years back a simple tax on the top owner occupiers – the 1% who on average have 15 million pounds of property – yes you read that right! instead of the outrageous policy of moving people with a spare (read second) room out somewhere else – the bedrrom tax – often hundreds of miles away in the country away from family and friends. of course the right hates this suggestion and george – but this is precisely the kind of thinking we need right now.
Hi Jonny
Making better social worlds, one conversation at a time…
As you know, I’m very interested in how we can have ‘public’ conversations in new and different ways, in order to create better social worlds. Unfortunately, many of the current forms of public communication only reinforces the status quo, and sometimes makes things worse!
Unfortunately I haven’t come across a grand gesture/action that can create the change you long for… yet.
In the mean time, my sense is that this kind of change begins with each person, determined to have a different kind of conversation… and making the small steps that lead to global shifts!
I try to say some of this in my blog. If you or your readers are interested, do swing by:
God bless your elbow!