what time is it?

knowing what time it iswalter brueggemann suggests that prophets know what time it is. at christmas jen's parents invited all the family to make a decoration/bauble for the tree. this was mine – i was still obsessed with and in many ways still am captivated by the phrase from occupy – another world is possible.

i thought it was entirely appropriate for advent and had visions of a whole tree decorated like this – maybe next year?! but i definitely managed to confuse my mother in law and at least half the family even after an explanation of advent and what it might be about (to be fair i got half way through my explanation before a few people glazed over and i gave up).

right next year back to fluff and tinsel!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jenny

    Est-ce vous disrespecting ma famille?

  2. Darren

    love it…
    even more for the confusing the inlaws…

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