50 – no that's not my age – i've got a few years yet! congrats to jen's parents ian and mary, my in laws on 50 years of marriage. we had a celebration at the weekend which went really well at which i was asked to take photos. i doubt it's of interest to most of you but there's a set of photos here – ian and mary golden wedding celebration which i am making into a blurb book. i tried to photograph everyone at the do – older peoples faces look amazing in photographs i think! the photo above is jen and her sisters and mum which seemed to capture them and i notice harry must like this photo of him as it's now his facebook photo – aaaargh!
i'm always in two minds whether to blog about family things like this but in terms of photography, capturing family moments is perhaps one of the most widespread practices – pretty much everyone at the celebraton was taking photos! and 50 years marriage is quite something…
that’s a great, inspiring photo! Jen as beautiful as ever. I agree with you that old faces are fascinating. (Must remember that next time I look in the mirror…)