tim nash is doing the resource course – and i think loving it! he is part of a small missional community in nottingham. one of the things they have done is develop a podcast – http://www.nomad.libsyn.com/ . it is building up a series of interesting interviews on mission, emerging church and all that. i’m not quite sure how but this month tim managed to get into lambeth palace to interview archbishop rowan williams on fresh expressions. it is a brilliant piece. if you are part of the church of england and involved in anything on the edge or new, it’s really worth a listen. apart from anything else it is really encouraging to hear how rowan views things. his understanding of church is so relaxed and practical – when people encounter jesus they will want to meet with others – that’s church. he then suggests that they will then explore what it means to follow jesus, read the scriptures and shape life around it and (not necessarily immediately) will explore baptism and communion. the latter sacramental things are more of a challenge but important. anyway this is the direct link to the mp3 – i am actually experimenting posting via posterous.com to see whether putting a direct url in the e-mail with an mp3 address in embeds the audio?…
hi jonny,
thanks for this. i enjoyed the podcast and it got me thinking a bit more about the nature of things. i’ve posted about it on our blog here http://stlukeshighst.wordpress.com/2010/02/18/the-archbishop-and-fresh-expressions/
bless you mate,
thanks for the hap tip. i’ve also provided a written summary of the Rowan podcast on my blog and made a link with mission-shaped church, which he provides the foreword to,