post festival

the big chill was wonderful – such a great festival. it was my fifth year in a row so i guess i'm a regular now! 

i got back to my e-mail not working. when i click on any folder entourage can't find it. so if you have e-mailed me recently and i haven't or don't reply that's why! i'm hoping that rebuilding the database today will sort out the problem – we'll see. but it didn't help that when i tried that last night half way through it stopped because i didn't have enough space on the disc presumably to copy the database elsewehere… ho hum. so i'm now trying again. amazing how much of my work/proost/life flows through e-mail. i can resort to a backup but would lose two weeks stuff. why am i telling you this? i have no idea. 

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. cheryl

    that sucks.
    and let me put in a plug for the genius bar at the apple store who saved my calendar [and my sanity] just the other day…

  2. Jim

    Quite..!! That post was almost benedsonesque in it’s prosaicness.

  3. becky

    Jonny – you are becoming quite Beckett-eseque in your old age. I recall the posts you did last year when you cited embarrassing your sons for doing some old man move (can’t remember it now). Oh now, perhaps I bit the Beckett.

  4. jonny

    ha! yes indeed jim you have cut me down in one blow – surely not edsonesque?!

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