cms publishes a series of small booklets, a similar kind of size to grove booklets which are monographs reflecting on contemporary issues in mission.
the latest one is called telling it slant and is in two parts. the first is by john pritchard asking questions around the arts and how they represent an alternative spirituality and doorway to faith, and how they connect with mission. the second is a response which i have written called wise blindness and icons of the present – i'm quite pleased with what i wrote!
you can either sign up for the series or buy individual ones from the cms shop.
hi Jonny,
how much of the discussion relates to film and cinema or is it more to do with other art forms?
it’s more general. my favourite book on film and theology is reel spirituality by robert johnson btw…
i got into this through books by Ed McNulty (Faith and Film and Praying the Movies) and William Romanovski (Eyes Wide Open), but i’ll give that one a peek.