interview with kalle lasn of adbusters

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kalle lasn interview

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. adrian

    i see a parallel between kalle’s philosophy and what some of the emerging church has been doing. i realised this when i picked up (second hand and greatly reduced!) a copy of his book ‘design anarchy’. it annoyed me that he was criticizing the advertising and graphic design industry for, amongst other things, having no ethical core and doing it in a book that was as thick as a brick, grossly wasteful in terms of information compared to number of pages, full colour and printed overseas – basically a glossy showcase design agency book (no-one else can afford to buy them) and the very antithesis of the adbusters message.
    so is he a hypocrite or a subversive?
    that seems to be the question that people have for a lot of emerging churches who operate within mainstream culture. can you work within and use the language and tools of that which you know to be flawed or even downright wrong?
    for my money, that’s where the most innovative and useful mission happens.

  2. company logo design

    Don’t know what is wrong what is rite but i know that every one has there own point of view and same goes to this one

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