the wire hits the bbc

the wirelast night on bbc 2 the first episode of the wire was screened and they are going to show all 5 series which is great news! if you missed it go to iplayer and catch up. everyone i speak to at the moment seems to have just discovered the wire in the last few months (unless they are in the US and it's old news). my sister gave me series one on dvd back in february for my birthday. i've got one programme still to watch and i'm hooked. it takes a few programmes for the plot to get going and to get used to the baltimore accent and i know a few people who started with subtitles on (!) but if you make it to episode 4 you're there. the language is street – be warned. if you like your viewing squeaky clean it won't be for you. and the soundtrack theme song way down in the hole by the blind boys of alabama is brilliant. thanks nic and esther for first putting me onto it.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mark Berry

    Loving it… having watched the first three episodes (they’re showing it nightly on Beeb2!) I’m hooked already! cheers

  2. si johnston

    brilliant. it’s pipped west wing to the post for me now. wise words in urging folks to get beyond episode 3, as it’s then your hopeless addiction will kick in. john caputo writes some lovely words on this series at the beginning of his book ‘what would jesus deconstruct’. hope all is good with you J. liverpool chelsea…geez 🙁

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