mark berry and the telford community safespace kick off a new venture sanktuary tonight. it's a chill out safe space for clubbers that runs from 11:30pm to 3am. they have been working really hard over the last few weeks to get it all together and ian, a new member of the community, has put his sign making skills to good use – love the signs and furnishings. mark's a bit nervous as their first night is known as fighting friday in telford – the last friday before christmas. the idea of the space is that it's a good safe space in which to unwind, be safe off the streets while you can caht and order a taxi. the council are so pleased it's happening they have given money towards it and the police are fully supportive…
i think this is a BRILLIANT idea and i wish them well!
It’s really good:) iv been ther an they really look after you… I cut my knee open so they cleaned it an let me stay there 2 soba up. Thanks guys.