bob on obama

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obama coveri landed back in the uk this morning. i actually got an electricity plug on the plane which was heaven as i had an article to write. after that i watched speed racer which is truly a colourful bubblegum bright delight by the wachowski brothers – i thought it was a kind of parable too that might be easily applied to spirituality and the christian industries but that’s a story for another day…

talking of the christian industries, i forgot to mention that bob carlton has written a book with ariele gentiles for ys  – barack obama:an american story which is exciting. although not everyone seems to think it’s exciting judging by some of the comments on marko’s blog post about it. if you want a window into the polarised nature of christianity in america go and read some of the comments – at this moment up to 111!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. bob c (aka ariele's side car)

    polarized ?
    multiple choice quiz:
    1. (of an electric plug or outlet) designed so that the plug and outlet fit together in only one way.
    2. to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups
    3. To magnetize a substance so that it has the properties of a magnetic dipole, such as having a north and south pole.
    4. To cause the electrical and magnetic fields associated with electromagnetic waves, especially light, to vibrate in a particular direction or path.
    I will run a quick contest – the first person to answer correctly gets one of these in their own size:

  2. jonny


  3. Doug Gay

    Just read the YS thread – very sad – I hope they keep their nerve in the face of so much poison and intimidation. I was in Chicago last week at the AAR conference – coming into town on the L train, the shuffle switched to Morrissey “America is not the World” – America, land of opportunity, where the President is never black, female or gay and until that day you have nothing to say to me, to help me believe”.
    A lot of the commentary on the book is ideological cover for the bile of the religious right – white America choking on its own racism. But something has changed for good. Thank God.

  4. Existential Punk

    It’s people like this why i tired of the church. i like that magnet that Asks God to save me from His people! It’s on my fridge now.

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