man on wire

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man on wirei haven’t been to the cinema a lot this year – not sure why… but friday night jen and i went to see man on wire which i had been meaning to see for a while. the thing that reminded me about it was chatting to a girl who served me a coffee at the big chill who was raving about it having seen it at the festival. she said it had made her think nothing was impossible…

it’s an extraordinary film of an extraordinary feat by philippe petit, a high wire walker who covertly rigged a wire between the twin towers of the world trade centre and walked across, lay down on the wire, went to and fro spending 45 minutes out there enjoying himself! he did this in 1974 and the film blends interviews with the group of friends and philippe with original footage.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kate c

    Just been to see this. Awesome film!

  2. eleonora duvivier

    I’ve written about Man on Wire and doing the impossible on my blog
    Great text you posted!

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