labyrinth mown


the labyrinth is mown – we decided to do it a day early as the weather was fine and the forecast bad for most of the week… this is adam in action mowing his first labyrinth.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jeff Moulton

    I was going to ask you for instructions, but decided to google it instead. Lo and behold, guess who was the first link when I googled “mow labyrinth instructions”?
    Yep, you guessed it – you with worship trick #71!
    Here’s a link for people too lazy to run through the worship trick archives –

  2. becky

    Those who buy the Grace pocket liturgy from Proost can also get a complete set of mowing moves. Wish I was there – sounds amazing. BG

  3. Nic Dempsey

    Good choice on doing it a day early!!

  4. jonny

    thanks – yes in view of today’s horrendous weather nic it was a good plan to mow a day earlier than originally intended!

  5. Mike

    I want this in my yard…
    I shall have to grow grass first, then mow a labyrinth.

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