we’re back at the london mind body spirit festival next week.
as dekhomai we will have a stand in the marketplace – booth 43. we will be offering spiritual resources from the christian tradition to visitors. we often get asked what dekhomai means – it means the welcoming place. we want to provide a space of welcome in the busyness of the festival, a listening ear and a space for prayer.
at our stand everything is free…
be listened to and prayed for
receive prayer for healing with the anointing of oil and laying on of hands
make a dekhomai prayer cord to help you pray
have a go on the Jesus deck to see how Christ’s story connects with your life
sit down, chill and have a foot or hand massage
receive a blessing (we will be using john o donaue’s book benedictus)
our popular dekhomai postcards will be back with two additions to the set
we’ll also be leading two meditations in the meditation room on wednesday and sunday at 2pm. tess ward is leading one on celtic mdeitation and peter rundell an igantian meditation.
the image above is of one of the cards which you may recognise from my foggy photos…
jonny, more and more of your photos look like they were taken in the park next to your house.
you need to get out more
take some SCOTTISH photos this week and give us all a break!
i will try – scotland was last week!
here’s one especially for you –
Now, now Andrew – let us not forget that Emily Dickinson wrote her poetry without leaving her house. If Jonny finds all the inspiration he needs in his backyard, that’s fine by me. It’s when he picks up one of those metal detector and starts roaming the beaches with his pants pulled up to his armpits that we need to get a bit concerned here.
Jonny, I was looking at the dekhomai prayer cards and was wondering if I could use one of them with the prayer to post on my blog? Every week I write a post called “A Sabbath Rhythm” and I thought the prayer of Forgiveness was great.
Jonny, just flicked through the prayer cards— they’re really interesting, but maybe not the way you intended. Each one is a tent. When coupled with the person who picks them up, they produce a space, a ‘spiritual space’, a temporary canopy. The prayer, the map or the instructions are the rules of engagement for that particular generation of space. Its architecture!
i am interested to hear how you get on this year praying for people to receive the spirit and be healed, especially as i am hearing from emergewales.com about god moving this weekend in events such as the sloshfest in wales and the florida healing outpouring.