i have written a ton of stuff that is scattered through my blogs. but here are some links to other things i have written…
1. books/chapters in books
alternative worship which i co-authored with doug gay and jenny brown put the accompanying CD ROM together. this is a collection of liturgical resources from alternative worship groups with a CD ROM of tunes, video loops and so on
grace pocket liturgies – a collection of liturgies from the last few years of grace. i edited the book, published through proost as part of a series.
the labyrinth: a transforming ritual – a book that is the full text of my MA dissertation
a chapter in mass culture called rhythm of the masses which looks at communion in alternative worship communities and its engagement with postmodern cultures
a chapter in the rite stuff, a book on ritual in postmodern times. my chapter is a summary of my MA dissertation which looked at the labyrinth we created at st paul cathedral as an example of how ritual is a strategic practice in postmodern times.
two talk outlines in gospel and globalisation from the south asia youth conference i attended
2. articles/columns
networks change the world (yes)
new alongside the old (fulcrum)
strength in weakness (daily bread notes)
redemption songs (daily bread notes)
nativity play for today (daily bread notes)
new ways of being church (Yes magazine)
preaching: throwing a hand grenade in the fruit bowl
the angliCAN church (emerging church.info)
parkour and the emerging church (emergingchurch.info)
youth ministry and the stranger
a brand new jesus (youth specialties magazine)
toxiCITY and the go between god (grace lent blog)
ruptures, improvisation and tradition (salvation army magazine)
alternative worship – offering clues for renewing worship (in anglican renewal magazine)
alternative worship (Relevant mag)
alternative worship and the significance of popular culture
remaking tradition (church times)
worship outside in the box (church times)
worship – a route to discovering lost wonder (SU)
christian herald columns on the emerging church/mission: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6