i have made a few changes to the blog for the new year.
i have been through the posts for the year and made sure i have added them to the right categories. categories are a really good way of organising information with typepad. if i ever want to find something i usually just click the relevant category in the left hand column.
i have rearranged a few bits in the sidebars – most significantly, i have lost the articles by me and articles by others lists. instead if you click on the category articles on the left hand side you will find links to any articles. and i have then added a new page my writings that is linked to on the right hand side so i (or you) can easily access stuff i have written. typepad’s pages is a great feature that helps make blogs an easy way to build a web site as i have blogged about before.
and then i fancied a bit of a change of look. it began with a new header and then that didn’t work with the blue background so that blue that i have used even on my old blogger blog has gone for the first time in 5 and a half years and i am going with more of a black and white and vibe. if you can’t see it or the new header just refresh a few times and it will appear.
let me know what you think…
and to sit with the new colours here’s another of the fog photos. it looks like this is done with time lapse taking 4 shots of one bird but it’s not. it’s 4 different gulls taking flight at the same time i.e. what you see was there at the same time (kind of goes with the iffley and brighton flights).
i hope your dreams fly in 08.
Great new look Jonny.
Happy New Year.
And your dreams too.
your blog has gone to the dark side…
or have your views become more black and white? 😉