congratulations to jenny who has been working hard over the last few months with 5 friends to realise a dream of starting the sophia network, a network for women youth ministers. the network was launched at the youthwork conferences in eastbourne and southport. the aims are…
to celebrate women in youth work and ministry, what we have
achieved and what we are contributing to the kingdom of God. We want to
increase the visibility of women in youth work, making the wider church
aware of the fantastic work that women are doing. The Sophia Network
will enable women in youth work to connect with each other, share
skills and experiences and offer encouragement and support.
it costs £20 to join but there is an offer of buy one get one free until the end of december so sign up (if you are a woman) and invite a friend. i think this is a brilliant idea and hope it goes really well. there are some photos of the launch here.
I managed to hide just to the right of the photo – fantastic! It was a good session.
what a wonderful initiative.